Car Rental Basics

Car rental is a recognized and popular service all over the world. In developed countries, car rental is widespread and is a convenient service that allows you to solve the problem of hassle-free movement in an unfamiliar city. In Ukraine, such a service has not yet received the necessary scope, but every year the number of offers to rent a car is only increasing, and using a rental car is no longer considered something out of the ordinary.

The rules for renting a car in all countries are largely similar. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic conditions that apply if you decide to rent a four-wheeled assistant.

1.First of all, you will have to conclude an agreement that will regulate the relationship between the rental company and the lessee of the vehicle. It is very important to carefully read the text of the contract, pay close attention to the clauses written in small print. Your signature on the contract means you agree to all its terms, so it would be a good idea to find out all the obligations of the lessor and clearly understand all your rights in relation to the car being transferred to you for temporary use.

2.Secondly, you will need to pay a deposit for the car. For the rental company, such a step guarantees your integrity and solvency. The security deposit is fully returned to you at the end of the rental period, but only if the car is completely intact in the condition in which you received it. If you got into a traffic accident with a rented car through your own fault, somehow damaged the body “thanks to” your driving technique, or otherwise caused any damage, then the car will be repaired at the expense of the deposit amount. And the more prestigious and expensive the car brand, the higher the deposit value that you will have to leave for the rental period.

3.Thirdly, you need to decide on the rental price. It also varies depending on the class of the car, but a lot also depends on the company that rents the car to you. Small firms often reduce their rates to attract clients. Large companies are supported by their reputation (reliability) and the availability of additional services that you are entitled to when concluding a car rental agreement (availability of a navigator, technical service if necessary, and others).