Car sharing is a new stage in the evolution of car rental

Today, trends are emerging in post-industrial society that would have seemed strange ten years ago. Oddly enough, people are less and less eager to have a personal car. In everyday life, a car is less often considered as something irreplaceable; its functions in Europe and America are successfully performed by public transport, and for those cases when one cannot do without a car, there is a convenient car rental system called car sharing.

The innovative system is gaining increasing popularity due to the fact that it makes it possible to rent a car for a short period of time – from several hours, while payment is flexibly calculated based on the time during which the car was actually used by the renter. Companies that provide services of this kind usually have customer service points near major transport hubs, which are convenient to get to; a car can be picked up at one point and dropped off at another.

The modern industry owes a breakthrough in this industry to the American company Zipcar. Young professionals placed special emphasis on the use of Internet technologies in order to simplify the process for clients. A person who wishes to use Zipcar services registers and is entered into the customer database. Subsequently, he contacts the manager of the nearest service point, where he can get a car for use at any time of the day. The company denies membership only to unscrupulous drivers who systematically commit offenses. A further transformation of carsharing is a model in which the company only acts as an intermediary between the owner of the car, who wants to rent it out, and the potential lessee.

Recently, car rental in the city of Sumy has become increasingly popular, new participants are constantly appearing on the market, and, in fact, conditions are being created for the development of car sharing in Ukraine. Despite the fact that European experience is adopted with some difficulty, progressive trends are still taking root in our country.

If you are interested in car rental in Sumy, you should contact one of the many agencies that offer a wide range of specialized services. We offer you a wide range of cars of various brands and models, each person will find a solution that he can afford. Anyone can rent a car, provided they have a license of the appropriate category and driving experience.