Updating our fleet

Dear clients, do you know how our company differs from its competitors? Almost every month we try to provide our clients with new additional services, and the main thing is the monthly renewal of our fleet! It’s incredible, but we regularly have new cars that we will be happy to rent to you.

Car rental in Sumy for every taste, do you want a Mitsubishi Lancer 9 with an automatic transmission or a Hyundai Tucson 2.0 SUV, or maybe something more economical, such as a regular Daewoo Lanos running on gas? No problem, choose any of the currently available cars. Although it happens that the car you have chosen is currently being rented, in this case we will book it especially for you, as soon as it becomes available and is ready, after a short technical inspection, for renting – we will notify you in any way convenient for you.

In addition to updating the vehicle fleet, we can offer our clients additional options and services that you can purchase as needed and include in the car rental agreement: child car seat, car GPS navigator with the latest maps, personal driver, delivery of a rented car to any point of our country and much more. The range of our services is constantly expanding, we are working for the future and increasing our fleet, regularly delighting customers with the opportunity to choose a car, both economy class, mid-size or even an SUV. After all, we want to follow the wishes of our valued clients and keep our finger on the pulse of this difficult business.